Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Who is this person in front of you all? I hate to sound cliche, but I really do feel like a different person after this experience. If everyone was on a road for growth, in September I thought I was 90% there. Not until after this experience did I realize this road stretch much farther than my vision could see. 

Appreciating life

The power of beauty and youth. Our mere existence is unbelievable already, but to exist while being young, healthy, and free. The term "carpe diem" has never been more appropriate. The chances that goals will be met now, are better than ever. 

The unexpected opportunities. I use to worry so much about the future, but there's really no point. Have goals, work towards them, but don't be afraid to take the "scenic route." I realized that plan B,C, D, or Z may actually turn out for the better. Especially when you take trips with Kirsten. 

Challenges. From being homeless to almost missing my flight, I am grateful for every single one of these obstacles. I've gain a new type of confidence, a type that makes you feel invincible.

Friendships. The friendships I've made here are unforgettable. It's unbelievable how comfortable you feel opening up to strangers living thousands of miles away from you. When I first came here I was a disaster. Without these friendships I really don't think I could have come this far. From lending me money when I lost my wallet, to driving me to the airport today, you guys are the greatest friends I could have made. I can't say how much I appreciate every single one of you. 
I'm okay with saying goodbye, because with these friendships I know a hello is around the corner. 

Overall, studying abroad was a wonderful experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

Goodbye Belgium.  

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