Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Sevilla is one city I don’t mind getting lost in.  The locals say, “Grab a map and just go!” We did just that, but we soon lost the map and ended up just wandering. Sevilla architecture is exquisite, the best of the best.

Detailed tile work

One beautifully constructed building that we came across was Alcazar, the King’s Palace. We came 10 minutes before they closed, but they allowed us to stay for another hour or so to explore the grounds. The palace consists of green courtyards, running fountains, fine tile work, open spaces, large arches, and endless mazes. The time and effort that took to handcraft the thousands of tiles is incredible.


Kirsten stole a few oranges from the King. Typical. Now she has to face her consequences…

2 Prison. 
1 Stolen.


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