Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Monkeying Around

When I’m not meowing, people have told me some of my mannerisms are similar to those of a monkey. I just re-read that sentence, and man do I sound like a weirdo. Hahah whatever, we’re all animals at heart.

So I was really eager to get in touch with my monkey friends at the Tenerife Monkey Zoo Park, but unfortunately the zoo was almost 1.5 hours away and it didn’t fit well into our schedule. It gets worst.

11:00 am- We couldn’t rent a car.
12:00 pm- We missed the bus.
1:00pm- We missed the shuttle.

The lady at the reception felt sorry for us, and offered us a ride in her car to the airport. She ended up calling the shuttle bus driver again, and he was willing to turn around and pick us up :)

We arrived at the airport, and our reservation for a car rental fell through. Plan B: we take the bus. After the bus dropped us off, we walk around Sevilla attempting to find our accommodation. Let me emphasize the word “attempt.” -_- All the traveling made our stomachs growl, so we decided to take a break at a nearby tapas bar. Luckily, we sat next to a tour guide at a local tapas bar who was more than happy to assist us in our search.

After weaving through countless roads, we finally arrived at our destination!

If you think the series of unfortunate events stopped there, think again.

Next morning…

7:19am- Woke up late.
7:31am- Went to the wrong bus station
7:48am- Arrived to the correct bus station 3 minutes late
7:50am- Our Granada bus tickets are nowhere to be found.
7:52am- Realized that 7:52am is actually 8:52am from the time change.



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