Friday, October 28, 2011

24 Heure Vélo

The only decent photo captured.
“24 Heure Velo” translated to English means “24 Hour Bike.” Basically, this event involves bicycles, beer, and music… for 24 HOURS.

To give you a sense of how much alcohol is consumed; this event is the 2nd most alcohol profitable event in ALL OF EUROPE (Ocktberfest being 1st.) So naturally, classes are cancelled all day Wednesday and the morning after.

For 24 hours, the entire city becomes one huge bicycle track surrounded by concert stages. During the race, you usually see 2 types of bicyclers: the professionals and the entertainers. The professionals are the typical people in bodysuits zooming by in their slick bikes; the entertainers are the people in costumes inching by on bicycle “floats.” Both ride their bikes for 24 hours to raise money for charity. 

Similar to ACL, multiple music stages are set up, along with beer and food tents. The only difference is beer is only 1.5 euro, and the music is free! Gotta love the Belgians ;)

I wish I had taken more photos, especially of the creative bicycle floats, but I hate being responsible for anything valuable while I’m drinking. 


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